Starting Strong

Starting Strong: The Hilarious Hurdles of Business Formation Ah, the world of entrepreneurship! A realm where dreams are woven, fortunes are made, and… countless cups of coffee are consumed. Starting a business is a lot like assembling IKEA furniture: it looks easy on paper, but once you dive in, you …

Gig Economy

What is the gig economy and why it is important? The gig economy refers to a labor market characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs, mostly made up of independent workers who take on a variety of jobs on a project-by-project basis.The …

Home Investments

Buying your first investment home Here are few things to consider if you want to start investing in buying and selling houses in Texas: Research the real estate market: Look at trends in home prices and demand in the areas where you plan to buy and sell properties, so that …